5 Reasons to be an Active Commuter

The average European spends 160 hours a year commuting to and from work. 9,563 minutes a year in transit to your job doesn’t have to be a chore. Here’s 5 reasons why the active commute is the best way to spend this time.

1. The health benefits

With a finite amount of time in the day, finding the time to exercise, chill on the sofa, grab a coffee with a friend or read that book (that’s been sat on your shelf for months) can be really hard. Your commute presents the perfect opportunity to maximise your time and squeeze in some exercise. As little as 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 35%. It will also improve sleep, help manage stress and reduce your weight over time.

2. Think Green

Road transport contributes over 20% of Europe’s total CO2 emissions (what we know as the greenhouse effect gas) and 40% of Europe’s Nitrogen Oxides (linked with lung diseases and acid rain). Green transport is on the up and the active commute has a big role to play in this! Cycling to work a few times a week can substantially reduce your carbon footprint.

3. Start your day happy

As little as 20 minutes exercise per day can have positive effects on your mental state for as long as 12 hours and reduce the likelihood of developing depression by 30% if kept up daily. An active commute is an excellent way to do this. You can shake off the morning slump and arrive to work ready to seize the day!

4. Avoid the rush hour traffic

Another way to boost your commute is by dodging the rush hour traffic. You will avoid sitting in crawling queues on the road and could potentially even save some time. Even if it doesn’t save you time, would you rather be cruising along on a bike or getting stuck at the same traffic lights every day?


5. There’s many ways to be active

Active doesn’t have to be intimidating! There are many ways to begin your active commute. Cycling is a great option if you like saving time and beating the traffic. Our ventilated Radial or close fitting Metron are ideal candidates for this job. Running is completely feasible too. You can carry your essentials in something like a Duro and then change into clothes already waiting for you at work. Walking still counts! A brisk walk gives you the same benefits as cycling or running and can be handled by one of our highly ventilated Lifestyle packs, such as the Tropos.


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