Adventure Athlete
Ray Zahab is an adventurer and ultra marathoner who has ran or trekked more then 12,000km across the world’s deserts and Arctic regions. After completing a 111 day, 7,500km (4,500 miles) run across the Sahara Desert in 2007, Ray decided to leverage his future adventures to support impossible2Possible (i2P), an organization he founded that inspires and educates youth through adventure learning, inclusion and participation in expeditions.
National Geographic tracked the Sahara expedition by web, and the documentary film ‘Running The Sahara’, produced by Matt Damon and directed by Academy Award winner James Moll, was created in an effort to raise awareness for the drinking water crisis in North Africa - and would become the inspiration to create impossible2Possible. i2P Youth Ambassadors are selected from around the world, and then participate, at no cost, in all aspects of an expedition, from logistics and running to creating educational content and team support. All of the i2P Youth Expeditions have included various challenge based initiatives through an experiential learning program, in which thousands of students participate as active ‘team members’ during the expeditions, from classrooms all over the world. This program and its technology are also provided at no cost to the students and schools participating. To date, 15 i2P Youth Expeditions have been completed.
Ray is a recipient of the Meritorious Service Cross of Canada, is a Fellow of both the Royal Geographical Society and Canadian Royal Geographical Society, and in 2015, Canadian Geographic recognized Ray as one of Canada's Top Explorers. Ray speaks internationally at events such as 'The Economist", World Affairs Council, TED, the RGS.
He continues today with life as an adventurer, father and as a volunteer with impossible2Possible, with a philosophy that we are ALL capable of the extraordinary in our lives.
+ January 2018 - (Planned) - 2,200km run the length of the Namib Desert.
+ February 2017 - Completed 6th unsupported crossing of Baffin Island, followed by 500km fat bike through Northwest Territories.
+ February 2016 - Ray and team rode unsupported on fat bikes from Qikiqtarjuaq, across frozen ocean, then crossed Baffin Island, then immediately after rode mountain bikes 1,200km north to south, the length of the Atacama Desert, retracing Ray’s 2011 running route across the desert.
+ July 2015 - Crossed Death Valley from North Boundary to Badwater Basin off-road, his second crossing after a August 2011 240km crossing from North park boundary to South park boundary of Death Valley, totally off road.
+ January 2015 - Ran 1,000km across Patagonian Desert, across South America coast to coast.
+ July 2013 - Ran 2,000+km across Mongolia and the Gobi Desert- minimal daily resupplies.
+ January 2011- Ran length of Atacama Desert, 1,191km from Peruvian border to Copiapo, Chile in 20 days.
+ February 2010 - Ran 650km in 13 days unsupported across Lake Baikal, Siberia…in winter.
+ January 2009 - Trekked 1,200km unsupported as member of 3 man team to Geographic South Pole from Hercules Inlet, 33 days, 23 hrs., 55 min., a new world record.
+ August 2007 - Ran 3 coastal trails of Canada (Akshayuk Pass, Baffin/East Coast Trail/West Coast Trail) back to back, in 8 days.
+ November 2006 - February 2007- Ran 7,500km from Senegal to Red Sea, crossing the continent of Africa and the Sahara Desert in 111 days.
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